Thursday, September 27, 2007
Answers to the Math HW
These are a few of the possible answers for number 1. We know that an integer is a counting number that is a whole number. So, in order to answer this question, you need to know what an integer is and you have to know what a sum means. The sum is the answer you get when you add numbers together.
2) It is possible that -5 is larger than -10 even though the absolute value of -10 is larger than that of -5 because -5 is closer to zero and closer to positive numbers of the number line.
From left to right:
3) -40
4) -2
5) 0
6) 108
7) 3
8) 1
9) -14
10) -27
LCM of 4 and 7 is 28.
GCF of 12 and 18 is 6.
Prime factorization 0f 54:
2 x 27
9 x 3
3 x 3
= 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
Solve the following proportion:
x = 49
Homework due Friday, September 28
**Your test corrections for your second quiz is due. Everyone must do it even if you are happy with your grade. There is a certain format for doing your corrections. Please make sure to follow the format or you will not receive full credit for the test corrections.
**Study for your unit test. Look through the blog to read through the lessons I posted.
**Study for your WWW quiz.
**Do the sheet on predictions that I handed out at the end of class. You are supposed to make predictions about what you think will happen in The Outsiders based on the first chapter. You have to back up your answer from what we read in class today. Hopefully, you were paying attention.
**If you did not bring your lunch form, please bring them tomorrow.
**If you did not bring your blue contact card, bring tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Homework due Thursday, September 27
**Finish you worksheet from class on order of operations.
**Do your homework sheet on order of operations.
**Write a paragraph using your word wall words. Make sure to show me that you know the meanings of the words.
**Study for your WWW quiz.
Other annoucements:
**Remember to bring your lunch forms.
**Sleep well. Tomorrow, we will be taking a standardized test. I am positive you all will do very well!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
What is mapping?
Mapping is how we lay out the ideas visually to find connections and to branch out and make new ideas and connections. Eventually mapping will lead you to a list of ideas and a sequence to use them in.
1. How to use mapping to generate ideas:
Write the topic in the middle of the page. Draw branches out from that topic and write keywords or phrases that you associate with that topic. Draw more branches out from each of those keywords (sub-topics) to develop each of those ideas. Look, then, at which of the sub-topics go together and if any of the extended ideas can link to each other. Draw branches and lines between the ideas that could work together. Decide, then, if you would like to regroup your ideas.
Write the topic in the middle of the page again and go through the first steps again with the new groupings.
Do this as many times as you like until you have clear responses and ideas that you can now form into the parts of an essay. With the bubbles and branches you can see how the ideas work, how they interrelate and how they work together as a whole.
Before you write your paper it is a good idea to choose what order your ideas will be written in. This will ensure that you answer the whole question, remember all the parts, and that your answer can have a logical flow. An essay is a complicated answer and it is important that all of the parts of the essay (introduction/body paragraphs/conclusion) work together in a way that is easy to read, logical, and that builds together to the conclusion. This can't happen if the parts are jumbled or random.
It is important to work out which idea should go first, which ideas are prerequisite to other ideas, etc. What is your most dramatic idea? Which ideas work together to form another, bigger idea? With all of these elements going on, it is important to write down a list of the order you will use. To decide on that order you may have to work out what kind of structure you need first or, if you already know that, you may be able to proceed straight to the plan (also known as an outline.)
Solving Proportions
Proportional reasoning involves the ability to compare and produce equal ratios. A common use of proportions occurs when making or using maps and scale models.
There are several ways to solve a proportion. One is related to how you find equivalent fractions. To find equivalent fractions, you multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same number. Thus, to solve , note that the numerator (2) was multiplied by 3 in order to get 6. Then do the same to the denominator (3) to get n=9. This works well when the numerator and denominator of one fraction are multiples of the other fraction, but it is more difficult to do when they are not, as in the case of
. In this case we multiply both sides of the equation by 8n as shown below:
(multiplying both sides by 8n) | |
(divide out the common factors) | |
(divide both sides by 6) | |
(simplify) |
Word Wall Words
Suffocate (5): (verb): to strangle
Opponent (11): (noun) a person who is on an opposing side in a game, contest, controversy, or the like
Perspiration (4): (noun) the act of sweating
Cuss (5): (verb) to use profanity; curse; swear
Homework due tomorrow
**Do your worksheet on solving proportions
**Finish your test corrections for your first quiz
**Your second set of test corrections is due on Friday
NOTE: If you do not hand in your test corrections tomorrow, you get an automatic zero. I gave you a week to get them done. NO EXCUSES, kiddos.
**Write sentences for your word wall words
**Study for your word wall word quiz
**Do a map for a topic of your choice.
EXTRA CREDIT: Write a 2-page essay based on your map. SKIP LINES.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Homework due on Tuesday, 9/25
**In your workbooks, please do pages 9-16. I will be checking them tomorrow. If there is something you do not understand, please let me know. I would prefer if you write a letter to let me know in writing.
**Please review adding and subtracting integers lesson on the blog.
**Find the definitions of your word wall words and write the words 10 times each. I would like your work to be neat.
**Do The Outsiders Anticipatory Guide. We will discuss it briefly in class tomorrow.
**Get your RAMPS paycheck signed.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Homework due on Monday, 9/24
Do your math worksheet on multiplying and dividing integers
Go over your notes on adding and subtracting integers
Write a 4-page essay on what you did for your summer vacation. SKIP LINES.
Make sure you come to school on time and ready to learn. We are all trying to get 45 RAMPS points or more so that we could have our class celebration.
Ms. Simmons
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Multiplying and Dividing Integers
When you multiply two integers with the same signs, the result is always positive. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer positive.
Positive x positive = positive
Negative x negative = positive
When you multiply two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer negative.
Positive x negative = negative
Negative x positive = negative
Dividing Integers:
When you divide two integers with the same sign, the result is always positive. Just divide the absolute values and make the answer positive.
Positive ÷ positive = positive
Negative ÷ negative = positive
When you divide two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just divide the absolute values and make the answer negative. Just multiply the absolute values and make the answer negative.
Positive x negative = negative
Negative x positive = negative
Word Wall Words and Definitions
Reckon: to esteem or consider; regard as
Asset: a useful and desirable thing or quality
Disgrace: a person, act, or thing that causes shame, reproach, or dishonor or is dishonorable or shameful.
Unfathomable: Difficult or impossible to understand; incomprehensible
What makes a proficient reader?
* see yourselves as readers.
* make sense of text.
* use what you know.
* understand how stories work.
* read to learn.
* monitor and organize ideas and information.
* think critically about books.
The main way to become a better readers is to:
* read
* read
* read
* read
* read
* read
* read
* ..and read some more!!
Why do we read?
Reading involves an interaction between a specific type of text or written material and a reader who has a purpose for reading that is related to the type of text and the context of the reading situation.
The three purposes for reading are:
Reading for literary purpose
Reading to gain information
Reading to perform a task
Reading for literary purpose:
Reading for literary experience involves reading literary text to explore the human condition, to relate narrative events with personal experience, and to consider the interplay in the selection among emotions, events, and possibilities.
Reading to gain information:
Reading to gain information involves reading informative passages in order to obtain some general or specific information. This often requires a more practical approach to reading that requires the use of certain reading/thinking strategies different from those used for other purposes. In addition, reading to gain information often involves reading and interpreting aids such as charts, graphs, maps, and tables that provide data.
Reading to perform a task:
Reading to perform a task involves reading various types of materials for the purpose of applying the information or directions in completing a specific task. The reader’s purpose for gaining meaning extends beyond understanding the text to include the accomplishment of a certain activity.
**Study for your quiz on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers.
**Study for your word wall word quiz.
**Study your reading notes on what makes a proficient reader and what are the purposes of reading.
**Smile because Ms. Simmons loves you, and get a good night's rest!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Adding and Subtracting Integers
Whole numbers are the counting numbers including 0. For example, 1, 2, 3, and 108 are wholes numbers. 3.5, 4.009, and Pi are not whole numbers.
Whole numbers greater than zero are called positive integers.
Whole number less than zero are called negative integers.
Use the number line for adding and subtracting integers:
• Add a positive integer by moving to the right on the number line
• Add a negative integer by moving to the left on the number line
• Subtract an integer by adding its opposite
We can use the number line as a model to help us visualize adding and subtracting of signed integers. Just think of addition and subtraction as directions on the number line. There are also several rules and properties that define how to perform these basic operations.
**To add integers having the same sign, keep the same sign and add the absolute value of each number.
**To add integers with different signs, keep the sign of the number with the largest absolute value and subtract the smallest absolute value from the largest.
**Subtract an integer by adding its opposite.
Here's how to add two positive integers:
4 + 7 = ?
If you start at positive four on the number line and move seven units to the right, you end up at positive eleven. Also, these integers have the same sign, so you can just keep the sign and add their absolute values, to get the same answer, positive eleven.
Here's how to add two negative integers:
-4 + (-8) = ?
If you start at negative four on the number line and move eight units to the left, you end up at negative twelve. Also, these integers have the same sign, so you can just keep the negative sign and add their absolute values, to get the same answer, negative twelve.
Here's how to add a positive integer to a negative integer:
-3 + 6 = ?
If you start at negative three on the real number line and move six units to the right, you end up at positive three. Also, these integers have different signs, so keep the sign from the integer having the greatest absolute value and subtract the smallest absolute value from the largest.
Subtract three from six and keep the positive sign, again giving positive three.
Here's how to add a negative integer to a positive integer:
5 + (-8) = ?
If you start at positive five on the real number line and move eight units to the left, you end up at negative three. Also, these integers have different signs, so keep the sign from the integer having the greatest absolute value and subtract the smallest absolute value from the largest, or subtract five from eight and keep the negative sign, again giving negative three.
To subtract a number, add its opposite:
5 - 8 = ?
Because they give the same result, you can see that subtracting eight from five is equivalent to adding negative eight to positive five. The answer is - 3.
To subtract a number, add its opposite:
-3 - (-6) = ?
Because they give the same result, you can see that subtracting negative six from negative three is equivalent to adding positive six to negative three. The answer is 3.
Homework due Thursday, September 20
--Complete both your class work and homework worksheets on adding and subtracting integers. Please box your answers.
--Write a paragraph using your WWWs. Please show me that you know the definitions of the words.
--Study the spelling and the definitions of your word wall words.
Anyone who owes me homework, it is YOUR responsibility to get it to me. Look through the blog to see what you missed. NO EXCUSES!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
RAMPS report
Please remember to get your RAMPS paychecks signed.
Also, do not forget that Ms. Simmons loves you and cares for you very much!
Homework due Wednesday, 9/19
--Write sentences using your word wall words. Make sure your show me that you know the meaning of the word.
--Study the spellings and definitions of WWWs.
--Write a paragraph about something you would like to share with me or let me know. SKIP LINES!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Word Wall Words #1
Reckon (verb)
Asset (noun)
Disgrace (noun)
Unfathomable (adjective)
Homework due Tuesday, 9/18
Study for your quiz
Do your review sheet
Find definitions of your word wall words
Write your word wall words 10 times
Study the spelling and definitions of the word wall words
Write a 2-page essay about your best reading experience so far: a time when a book changed your life, a time when you learned something new that inspired you, etc. SKIP LINES!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Prime Factorization
The first few prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17.
Factors are the numbers you multiply together to get another number. For example, 2 x 3 = 6. 2 and 3 are factors of 6 because when you multiply them you get 6. 1 and 6 are also factors of 6 because when you multiply 1 and 6, you get 6.
Prime Factorization
Prime Factorization is finding which prime numbers you need to multiply together to get the original number. Think factor tree!
Example 1
What are the prime factors of 12?
It is best to start working from the smallest prime number, which is 2, so let’s check:
12 ÷ 2 = 6
But 6 is not a prime number, so we need to factor it further:
6 ÷ 2 = 3
And 3 is a prime number, so:
12 = 2 × 2 × 3
As you can see, every factor is a prime number, so the answer must be right - the prime factorization of 12 is 2 × 2 × 3, which can also be written as 22 × 3
Example 2
What is the prime factorization of 147?
Can we divide 147 evenly by 2? No, so we should try the next prime number, 3:
147 ÷ 3 = 49
Then we try factoring 49, and find that 7 is the smallest prime number that works:
49 ÷ 7 = 7
And that is as far as we need to go, because all the factors are prime numbers.
147 = 3 × 7 × 7 = 3 × 72
A prime number can only be divided by 1 or itself, so it cannot be factored any further!
Every other number can be broken down into prime number factors.
So, in a way, the prime numbers are the building blocks of all other numbers.
Boarding High Schools

My wonderful and amazing students,
Those of you who are interested in boarding school must receive grades above 90 in all your classes this year. You must also arrive to school on time daily as well as limit your absences. I also recommend that you join an extracurricular or after-school activity. Children's Aid Society has some great programs. If not, there are many other opportunities for you all to get involved in a meaningful after-school or weekend activity.
Anyway, for more information on boarding schools, click here for an extensive list of boarding schools in the nation. There are all-girls boarding schools, all-boys boardings schools, and co-ed boarding school all over the United States. By the way, co-ed schools are for both boys and girls.
Enjoy researching about high schools. There are wonderful public high schools in New York City too; so, if boarding school is not for you, you can also attend a great high school in the city.
We are going to change the world, class, and make it a better place!
All my best and all my love,
Ms. Simmons
P.S. The picture of the school above is where I went to boarding school!
Homework due on Monday, 9/17
Please give your parents the letter about the RAMPS system.
Please give your parents the note for Tempus Ultra if you have to attend it.
Please have your parents fill out your blue cards.
Please have your parents sign your progress reports.
Math: Do you prime factorization worksheet
ELA: Write a 2-page essay on the following:
If you could change something in the world to make it a better place, what would you change? Why? PLEASE SKIP LINES! I want your essays on loose-leaf paper.
Leave a comment on the blog by 9/16/07.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Word Wall Word Expectations
Let me remind you here:
* I want all work to be done neatly.
*I want you to write sentences and paragraphs that show me that you know the meanings of
the words.
*I want you to study the spelling and meanings of the word each night. I want you to
incorporate the words into your everyday vocabulary.
I will be coming around each day to check to see if you have done your word wall word work for the given day.
Ms. Simmons
Least Common Multiple Lesson
What is a least common multiple?
The least common multiple of two or more non-zero whole numbers is actually the smallest whole number that is divisible by each of the numbers.
How to find the least common multiple?
Simply list the multiples of each number (multiply by 2, 3, 4, etc.) then look for the smallest number that appears in each list.
Example: Find the least common multiple for 5, 6, and 15.
First we list the multiples of each number.
Multiples of 5 are 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,...
Multiples of 6 are 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48,...
Multiples of 15 are 30, 45, 60, 75, 90,....
- Now, when you look at the list of multiples, you can see that 30 is the smallest number that appears in each list.
Therefore, the least common multiple of 5, 6 and 15 is 30.
Homework due tomorrow
Math: Do your LCM worksheet. I'm attaching a lesson on Least Common Multiples if you need extra help.
Also, think of a name you would like for the class.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Job Opening
Remember that you have to take your classroom jobs seriously. I expect professionalism from you.
Ms. Simmons
Homework due tomorrow
ELA: Write a 1-page essay about a time when one person's actions affected everyone else. Think back to our lesson on interdependence today. Your story could be made-up or based on something that happened to you. Skip lines.
Good luck with the homework. It is due as soon as you walk into my class in the morning.
Math Lesson on Greatest Common Factors
The first method is to list all of the factors of each number, then list the common factors and choose the largest one.
Find the GCF of 36 and 54.
The factors of 36 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36.
The factors of 54 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, and 54.
The common factors of 36 and 54 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18
Although the numbers in bold are all common factors of both 36 and 54, 18 is the greatest common factor.
The second method for finding the greatest common factor is to list the prime factors, then multiply the common prime factors.
Let's use the same numbers, 36 and 54 again to find their greatest common multiple.
The prime factorization of 36 is 2 x 2 x 3 x 3
The prime factorization of 54 is 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
Notice that the prime factorizations of 36 and 54 both have one 2 and two 3s in common. So, we simply multiply these common prime factors to find the greatest common factor. Like this...
2 x 3 x 3 = 18
Both methods for finding the greatest common factor work!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Getting paid to take tests
"Seventh graders can earn up to $50 per test for a maximum payment of $500 per year. Each is based on a scaled incentive. Schools can currently volunteer to participate and children attending the selected schools will be enrolled in September."
All of you mentioned the importance of coming to school to learn new things, to get the education you need to have a better future, and to make your parents and teachers happy and proud. I know you do not need money to come to school. You all taught me today that the greatest joy of school is learning for the sake of learning, not for getting paid.
Let's get ready to learn, my wonderful students!!
Oh, and we are so much better than Mr. Carew's class!
Much love,
Ms. Simmons
Thursday, September 6, 2007
A note to my wonderful students
Some annoucements:
On Saturday, Monique will be celebrating her birthday. Make sure to give her an advanced birthday wish!
Finish the writing assignment we started in class today. I want the rough draft and the final draft, and I want to see that you put thought into the final draft.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
What we did on Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Every week this year you will earn a paycheck. But if you are earning money, you must be doing a job, right? So what’s your job? (being a good student)
Your paycheck will reflect how well you do at your job. What kinds of things do you think you could do to get a really high paycheck? (Work hard. Be nice.)
What kinds of things do you think you could do to get money taken off your paycheck? (examples of bad things – try to pull out many of the likely deductions -- attendance, homework, respect, off-task)
You start at 40 and have to earn points.
40-40 Club = Rewards
35-39 = BENCH (in need of improvement)
Period 2: SWBAT organize their math binders
I will be checking for organization and to see how well you are maintaining your binder. At the end of each term, we will clean out our binder so that there is always enough room for our new work. Keeping track of our binders will also make it easier for us to organize our portfolios.
Period 7: SWBAT learn the importance of an education
Do Now: Read the following quote and reflect on it. What do you think it means? How do you relate to the quote?
Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not." -George Bernard Shaw
We had a class discussion about the quote above. You all have some great ideas!
Period 8: SWBAT learn the importance of community and of positive words.
Who wants to tell me what they think community means?
Allow students to share ideas.
Definition: a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.
The word community is derived from the Latin communitas (meaning the same), which is in turn derived from communis, which means "common, public, shared by all or many"[1].
Communis comes from a combination of the Latin prefix con- (which means "together") and the word munis (which has to do with performing services).
Last year, the most successful classes in the school had very strong communities.
Respecting each other and our difference was key and will be key to the success of our class. This class is a new class. Even though I am teaching most of you again, this is a new class, a new community with new personalities,
In my class, like I said yesterday, I do not tolerate nasty or negative language. Negative language will result in RAMPS point deductions and a continuation of it will result in a call home. I do not have time or patience for immaturity. You left that when you left 6th grade. This is a new year and a new beginning!
How many of you like to hear when people say nice things to you or about you?
We all like it! It’s human nature.
How many of you like when people tell you nasty things?
Not much of us.
How does it make you feel if someone keeps brining you down? (Remember Trisha in Thank You, Mr. Falker. Eric used to tease her a lot, so much that he made her hide during recess. He was a bully, and bullying and negative words are unacceptable in my class.
Now, I want you all to look at the piece of paper. That is how you wake up in the morning. Nice and clean and untouched.
Now, I want you all to crinkle you to fold your sheet in half.
Reflect on this.
Fold again.
Now, I want you to crumple your paper up al together and open it.
Is it nice and clean as it started?
No, it’s not. Now, let’s try to flatten it out and get it back to its original state.
Can we?
No, we can’t.
This is what bullying and mean words do to us. They affect us negatively and hurt us and there is no way of taking about the mean words….
Closing: Community: Respect. Civility. (Be nice to each other) This is our family for the year. We have to learn to get along and get to know each other.
Bullying is not acceptable. Mean words are also unacceptable. We cannot take them back and they hurt others’ feelings.
RAMPS hand-out
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
What we did on Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Students line up outside the door quietly. Genders segregated. Teacher says, “Good morning” and shakes their hands.
Once student enters class, they quietly put away their belongings into the closet and take out all the supplies they will need for the day and will quietly work on their Blast from the Past.
If student needs help, students should raise hand and teacher will come around.
After most students belongings have been entered into the closet, then, the closet manager will make sure all bags and coats are in the closet and then will close the closet.
Activity: Have students practice morning procedure quietly.
Ask students to stand up quietly. Call them row by row to go outside to line up quietly. Practice morning procedure until students do it correctly.
Closing: This is what I want every morning to look like. We are in 7th grade now, and there is no time for nonsense. Our learning is urgent and we do not have time to waste. Of course, I have all the faith that you all will rock because this is the best class in the 7th grade.
Activity 2: SWBAT learn about SLANT
Now, that you all know our morning procedure, I am going to remind you about SLANT. Like last year, you all are required to slant.
Who could tell me what that SLANT stands for?
Sit up
Ask and Answer questions
Track the speaker
I may not always ask you all to SLANT. Like last year, I will ask to see you in college student position because I am preparing you for college and for a better life.
Activity: Have students model SLANT. Have students not model SLANT.
Closing: Every teacher in school expects you to SLANT.
Period 2: Math
Aim: SWBAT identify the importance of malleable intelligence in order to understand that hard work leads to success. Values taught: all students can and will learn AND hard work leads to success.
Key Points of lesson:
-intelligence is malleable (changeable)
-if you believe intelligence is malleable you will be more positive when facing challenges and more likely to meet goals
-hard work leads to success
Period 7: ELA
SWBAT explain how Trisha (from Thank You, Mr. Falker) overcame her obstacle by hard work and by reaching out to others to support her.
SWBAT explain how peers affect each other’s self-confidence and what we can do to build each other up, rather than push each other down.
VALUES TAUGHT: hard work = success, everyone can and will learn (malleable intelligence), together everyone achieves more (how we affect each other)
Key Points:
• Hard work = success
• Malleable intelligence: everyone can get smarter if they work hard
• If you need help, ask (teachers will give)
• Peers can help and/or hurt each other’s self-esteem – what are you going to do?
8th period: Community Building Activity:
AIM: SWBAT ask their partners 5 questions and will share one interesting thing they learned about their partner to the class.
Activity: Students will talk in one-inch voices to their partners and ask the following questions to their partners. After 5 minutes, make sure students switch roles. Students will be asked to share one interesting thing they learned about their partner.
1. If you were to choose a new name for yourself, what would it be?
2. What was the most exciting thing you did this summer?
3. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why?
4. Share one of your most embarrassing moments.
5. If you were given a million dollars and 24 hours to spend it in, (no depositing it in the bank or investing it) what would you buy?
Activity 2: SWBAT learn end-of-day procedure
The procedure for the end of the day is the following:
First, those people who have jobs to do at the end of the day should organize their belongings and make sure they have everything ready to put in their book bags.
The super sweeper will sweep the class. The brilliant board washers will get the materials to wash the board and will wash the board. The dynamo desk wiper will wipe the desk off every Wednesday and Friday.
Jobs are to be taken very seriously. I’ll be handing out Job applications tomorrow. You all will be paid on your RAMPS paycheck as well. I will talk more about RAMPS tomorrow.
When I am done with the lesson, I will announce it. I will ask you all to put away your books and get ready to go home. That is, you should organize your books and papers and put out all the stuff you need to bring home for homework home.
Then, I will call you either table by table to go to the closet and get your belongings. This should all be done quietly.
Once you have your belongings from the closet, you will walk back to your seat and pack your book bag and wait there quietly for the rest of your classmates to be called. The quicker we do this, the quicker we will all be ready to leave.
After everyone has his or her belongings, I will call you by table to line up. Girls, just like for lunch, you will line up by the closets and boys will line up in the front of the room.
Once you are in line, there is no talking, and girls, please do not touch my bulletin boards. We spent alot of time this summer making them beautiful for you.
When we are walking downstairs, there is no talking. We will not go anywhere if we are talking, and I will have go back to our seats and start all over from the beginning, delaying our dismissal.
Student Interest Survey
Give parents letter from me and remind them to fill out contact information
Malleable Intelligence sheet
Welcome Class 725
Enjoy! We are going to have a great year this year. Keep up the good work. Let's show the world what we are made out of!