Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Homework for tomorrow, February 27

Math: In your Kaplan Blue books, use DRAW to answer the following questions:

Page 127, question 17
Page 150, question 16
Page 188, question 15
Page 115, question 17
Page 96, question 15
Page 57, question 16

100 BC: Read for 2 steps! Bring logs!

Report card session: 5-7PM
Tell your parents!

DRAW for Math Writing

Map out your Work for Math Short Answer Questions
Problem: Date:

Computation: Steps:

First I…

Response: DRAW!!!







RAFT for Math!

D … is for Define the concept the problem asks for.

R … is for Restate the question.

A … is for Answer the question.

W … is for show the Work.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My email address is:


Email your stories to me!

WWW #15

If you want to get ahead, here are your WWW's for the week:

Antagonize (verb)
Contradict (verb)
Condescending (adjective)
Inferior (adjective)
Oppress (verb)

Please make sure you are typing up your essays!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How to Draw Central Angles

Please watch the video if you are having problems drawing central angles. It is very helpful!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Homework over mid-winter recess

I hope that you enjoy your break and you are behaving yourselves. Make sure you get your homework done over break too.

ELA: Finish your narrative stories based on immigration. Send to me in an email.

Math: Do until page 61 in your blue Kaplan books.

100BC: Read for 20 steps!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Homework for Friday, Feb. 15

ELA: Write an essay addressing the following:

1) What do you think about the videos we watched today about the N word?
2) Will you continue to use the N word now that you have learned the history of the N word?
(More than 2 pages. Skip lines)

100BC: Read for 4 steps

Math: No HW

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Homework due Wednesday, Feb. 13

Math: Study and finish your review sheet

ELA: Write a 2-page essay addressing the following question:

What are some things that you plan to change to do much better this semester?

100BC: Read for 2 steps. Get your logs signed!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Homework due on Tuesday, Feb. 12

Finish your stories
Study WWW's

Math: Do you math worksheet

100BC: Read for 2 steps

Announcement: Bring your permission slip for our trip to Vermont

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Homework due on Monday, 2.11

Math: No homework because we had an acuity test

Study for your WWW's
Finish writing your stories completely

Read 2 steps

WWW #13 and #14 definitions

WWW #14:
Injustice (noun): violation of the rights of others; unjust or unfair action or treatment.
Migrant worker (noun): a person who leaves their home country to find work in another country
Instability (noun): unpredictability, erratic
Hesitantly (adverb): undecided, doubtful, or disinclined
Encounter (verb): to come upon or meet with, esp. unexpectedly: to encounter a new situation.

WWW #13:
Rebut (verb): to answer, to oppose, to contradict
Immigrate (verb): to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.
Emigrate (verb): to leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate
Refugee (noun): a person who flees for refuge or safety, esp. to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval, war, etc.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Homework due 2/8

ELA: Study for your WWW quiz
Think about ideas for your story.

Math: Do your worksheet

100BC: Read for 2 steps

You have a city test tomorrow in the morning!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Homework due 2/7

Do your math worksheet

Write a paragraph using your WWWs
Write a 2-page essay addressing the following: Why do it is important for people to human rights?

100 BC:
Read for 2 steps

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Homework due 2/6

Test Corrections
Class work and homework worksheets

Write sentences using your WWWs
Answer questions about "The Circuit"

100 BC:
Read for 2 steps

Sunday, February 3, 2008

WWW #14

Injustice (noun)
Migrant worker (noun)
Instability (noun)
Hesitantly (adverb)
Encounter (verb)

Homework due Tuesday, Feb. 5


Do the math worksheet

100BC: Read for 2 steps

Write your WWW's 10X
Find the definitions of your WWWs
Write a two-page essay addressing the following question: What are some things that you hope to change to improve your performance this semester?